Monday, November 18, 2013

We're On Each Other's Team: A Rant

Society says that it's normal for teenagers to be sad and lost because there are many biological changes happening in there bodies. As much as I think it's true, I still believe there is another important factor we seem to forget about and that's our society itself.

Our society is based on the concept of individualism which is an ideology that advocates the ego. We are taught to think about "me". "Me" being the little voice inside that gives you self-importance. This ego is what creates your identity. It tells you: "My name is ____". It gives you the image people see when they look at you. The problem with this "me" is that this sense of self isn't who we really are. Of course it's important and we need it for our survival, but often we think a lot about that "me" without actually looking after ourselves.

Our generation is being raised by the Internet that bombards us with images of what we should be and what we should want. So many young people are sad and don't know what to do with their lives because they feel they aren't achieving these goals. We are taught to make "me" (our ego) satisfied and not ourselves.

We want to have a good grades so we can have a good job and make lots of money to have a stable life. But is that really what life is about? We are constantly put in positions that we don't want to be in. I often wonder why we can't do what we want with our lives. It's considered bizarre and wrong to do what we love in life, and I believe that's where there's a big flaw. We do things to serve our society and not others.

We are so caught up in our little bubbles that we forget that there are others around us that are also suffering. People wonder why youngsters punch one another, why they punch walls and why they hurt themselves, but it doesn't seem surprising to me when you see how they are left on their own, without the support of others.

When I went to Senegal, I learned a huge life lesson. I learned that communities are the secret to happiness. If we learned to be in groups, we could learn to help one another. It would of seemed impossible for me to hear a Senegalese talk about a clinical depression. It felt as if, to them, a depression wasn't a sickness, but a period of sadness that everyone goes through at some point in their life. And when that moment happens, a whole community would be there to help you through your rough moments.

This concept doesn't exist in our Western world though. We find a sickness for every single person out there. Depression, anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, body dysmorphia: the list goes on and on. I find it very sad that we have become a society of sadness and loneliness, but I have hope because there are still many people out there seeking to help others.

Jean Jacket: Found it on the street
Blouse: Found it in a box
T-Shirt: From my sister
Shorts: Vintage
Belt: Vintage
Coat: Vintage (From my grandma)

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