Sunday, October 2, 2011

My little China Girl

Je suis terrible! Je n'ai rien mis depuis une semaine. En tout cas, ma mère a fouillé dans ces vêtements et elle a trouvé une petite veste chinoise qu'elle ne voulait plus. Donc, comme vous avez sûrement deviné, il m'appartient! Yay! Je l'aime beaucoup!! Alors hier, j'ai décidé de faire une tenue orientée autour de la veste. C'était chic, mais beau. :)

I'm terrible! I haven't posted anything for a week. Anyway, my mom went through her clothes and she found a little Chinese vest that she didn't want anymore. So as you have maybe guessed, the vest is mine now! Yay! I really love it!! Yesterday, I decided to show it off to the world and make an outfit orientated around that piece. It ended up being chic, but pretty. :)

Sorry for the blurry pictures.

Dress: H&M
Vest: Thrifted
Socks: From my aunt!
Boots: Vintage
Earrings: From my aunt!


  1. alice2.10.11

    est ce que la t'es un roux

  2. oui, mais ca parait pas sous toutes les lumieres.

  3. Oh, Du Süße!
    Dear Imogen,
    grandma will come and visit us, so I can show her her pretty granddaughter on the computer! She'll be delighted!
    And she loves all asian art as you know...

    Kisses from all of us,
    Ariane and family.

  4. Hello!
    I'm very happy to hear this. I actually thought it came from Oma, but my mom bought it on her own. :P

    Greetings to all the family,
